Dickens & Great Expectations |
The Dickens Page - Links to a lot of Dickens, including paintings/pictures of the author, discussion societies, further research, conferences, worldwide Dickens information. |
Dickens: Encyclopaedia Britannica - The official definition of the Dickens, and more links. |
Great Expectations, The Book - Yes, the whole book online. Save paper! Note that this version also includes Chapter 59 and the ‘happiest’ end line. |
The Dickens 2000 Conference - Hang out with Dickens buffs. Lecturers include: Dr Alan Dilnot (Monash University, Victoria Australia), Prof. Michael Slater (Birbeck College, University of London, England), Dr Wendy Jacobson (Rhodes University, S. Africa), Prof. Andrew Sanders (Durham University, England), Dr Louis James (University of Kent, Canterbury, England) and Dr Harman Greenblatt (USA). The location is, of course, Kent. |
David Perdue’s Charles Dickens Page - A stylish page with a biography, bibliography, good links, a summary of his journalistic career and intelligent commentary. |
Dickens Web Ring - Go from one to the next, on and on and on and on like Pip hammering away at Old Clem. |
Chao Mugger Lit. Essays - Highschool essays on Dickens. Light reading: it’s all about dramatic impact before you hit university. |
The Victorian Era |
Victorianism & Repression - Comments from George P. Landow, Professor of English and Art History, Brown University. Dispelling the myth about Victorianism and repression. |
Victorian Resources for Research - Sources compiled by Indiana University. |
Literature of the Victorian Period - By Dr. Roger Blackwell Bailey, Alama Community College. |
Victorian Literature Database - Litir Database on Victorian Studies, University of Alberta. |
Victorian Women Writer’s Project - Excellent database of Victorian-era women authors. |
The Victorian Web - All round excellent database of Victorian literature, politics, economics, religion, the arts and philosophy. Includes links, pictures and texts online. |
Victorian Links - Links submitted by Victorian enthusiasts-- a massive database! |
Psychoanalysis & Psychoanalytic Theory |
The Freud Archives - An exhausting listing of sites devoted to Freud and Freudian theory. |
Freud Museum - The London Freud Museum online, with pictures, links, information. |
The Freud Page - Good explanations of psychoanalysis, bibliography, and more links. |
Klages on Lacan - An excellent starting point in Lacanian theory. Almost paper length notes for a course in Modern Critical Thought by Mary Klages at the U. Colorado, Boulder. |
Lacan’s Seminar on The Purloined Letter - The text of this seminal essay online. From Breaking the (Post)Code. Main site also includes Jacques Derrida’s response here. |
Lacanian Links - A massive archive of links to Lacan, including papers, conferences, a geographical database of Lacanian psychoanalytic centers, mailing lists, discussion groups, places to study Lacanian psychoanalysis. |
Lacan.com - A comprehensive resource that leads to US & French sites devoted to Lacanian theory, including conferences, papers, biography, resources, and further links. |
Lacanian Playing Cards - Trading cards for kids using Lacanian theory. Weird. |
International Psychoanalytic Association - Homepage of the worldwide association Freud established in 1908. Also the same Association which refused to accept Jacques Lacan. |
International Journal of Psychoanalysis - The primary journal of the IPA. |
Academy for the Study of Psychoanalytic Arts - Interdisciplinary organization advancing psychoanalysis as philosophy, the humanities, art, anthropic science. |
International Psychoanalytic Studies Organisation - The people who organise the various psychoanalytic organisations. |
All material Copyleft t.c. van Veen, 2000 |